There is just something about the rain. Our world is 70% water and our bodies are 55% water. Our very lives depend upon the flow of this substance, the “universal solvent.” We couldn’t live without rain but we typically run for shelter whenever it falls. True, rain in buckets is no fun, and too much of anything tends to cause problems. Generally speaking, we are chicken shits when it comes to rain, running for cover, slickers or an umbrella. To each their own, but it has been my experience that we could all benefit by letting the elements fall upon us every so often. It makes us feel alive.
Why not go out and stomp around in some puddles or walk under a tree and shake the shit out of it?
In terms of exercise, the rain is an important training aid. Some of our best PT sessions, in my opinion, have involved running about the community through rain showers. It cools down your body as you exercise, and as every part of you becomes drenched, you begin to realize that it’s too late to scramble for a towel; you must let down your guard and “embrace the soak.”