Breathe in the Good Air, Blow Out the Bad Air!
Now this is cool. Another electron microscope image, this time of your lung tissue. The red things are capillaries, which wrap around your lung cells, or alveoli. I think of them like little clusters of grapes.
Take a deep breath. When we breathe in, the “grapes” fill with air. Oxygen goes into the capillaries and off to all tissues of the body. CO2 goes the other way, coming out of the body. Like car exhaust, we exhale that back into the world. Then trees take a breath of IT!
When we exercise, we grow more capillaries into the lungs, making us more efficient at oxygenating our tissues. It’s like tuning up a car!
So get off your ass!
Dinosaur Bones!
One of my patients brought in a dinosaur vertebrae!
Stairway Plank
A continuation of the Week 5 Challenge: Planking
I came up with this household take on the exercise. Essentially, you position yourself at the base of the stairs and perform a mobile superplank. This is good PT to work on core strength, but particularly the upper body. If you climb yourself up and down the stairs and just keep moving, the torso and extremities will get a tremendous workout.
Have a cool addition inbound, which adds lateral movement and music. But YouTube keeps blocking it on copyright violation because it’s ACDC. Can’t imagine the boys would have a problem with us training to their motivating tunes…
If It Ain’t Rainin’ We Ain’t Trainin!
There is just something about the rain. Our world is 70% water and our bodies are 55% water. Our very lives depend upon the flow of this substance, the “universal solvent.” We couldn’t live without rain but we typically run for shelter whenever it falls. True, rain in buckets is no fun, and too much of anything tends to cause problems. Generally speaking, we are chicken shits when it comes to rain, running for cover, slickers or an umbrella. To each their own, but it has been my experience that we could all benefit by letting the elements fall upon us every so often. It makes us feel alive.
Why not go out and stomp around in some puddles or walk under a tree and shake the shit out of it?
In terms of exercise, the rain is an important training aid. Some of our best PT sessions, in my opinion, have involved running about the community through rain showers. It cools down your body as you exercise, and as every part of you becomes drenched, you begin to realize that it’s too late to scramble for a towel; you must let down your guard and “embrace the soak.”
Plank Challenge – Hinge Plank
We also call the hinge plank the Dirty Nicholas because it’s a favorite of one of our hardest chargers.
This PT works the entirety of the core musculature; all the anatomy between your elbows and knees.
We’re holding this for a cumulative 5 minutes.